ITALY -Workshops and Retreats


Workshop in English

The vibrations of Nature 2. Painting, Poetry, Land Art, Breath work, Tai Chi, Ci Kung
Thursday, September 5 (arrive) Wednesday, September 11 (leave)
Prices for 5 day workshops

E220 (excluding food and accommodation) 


Workshop in Italian

Art and Nature; Pittura, Poesia, Tai Ci, Ci Kung, Land Art,
Giovedi settembre 13 a 16, E50 a giorno (a scelta)


One2One six day creativity coaching sessions

Run throughout year on request, with the exception of December and January; enquire for more details

Our workshops and retreats are designed to help you find what is true and creative within your life and work. 


Cittadella is a retreat high up in the Sibillini mountain range of the Appenines, a place of ancient mystery and magic and once the realm of La Sibilla, the Goddess of the mountains, whose power here can still be felt in these parts as a residue of the old pre-Christian Nature religion.

Here you will find sacred rivers and waterfalls and quickly shed the tensions of the hurried life you have left behind.

Our venue sits beneath the majestic extinct volcano of Mount Vettore which rises 2600 metres into the sky. There are deep and rich forests surrounding the Centre, the home now of many animals  which have been reintroduced on the National Parks' re-wilding programme, including wolves and bears. There are hot thermal pools to visit and swim in and a large swimming pool at the centre too.


The accommodation comprises of single or double mini apartments and larger ones for shared use.

Full board,  which includes an ample breakfast and dinner (Italian mountain cuisine), amounts to E75 pp per day and this includes the use of the pool.

It's a casual and friendly place to stay and besides the apartments there is a meeting room, a large restaurant and a breakfast room; all this set in a large garden with ample shade and spectacular panoramic views over the mountain hillside.