Michael Eldridge is a painter and photographer.
In the 80s and 90s he was Director of Photography at The Arts University of Bournemouth. He has lived in Africa, New Zealand and California where he was a Fulbright Scholar and currently lives in Le Marche, Italy.
He has lectured in the States where he ran creativity workshops, and has given talks at the San Francisco Art Institute and at the Society for Photographic Education in Carmel California. He has led workshops on Open University Summer Schools and ran The Sorgente Centre in Tuscany.
During the pandemic he initiated an online art programme backed up with webinars. He is a continual mentor for folks who feel locked out of life and who have the need to express themselves creatively. He is a CTI trained coach, specializing in creativity.
He collaborates with Lorenzo Viscidi on their Red and Blue Art Factory project and with Stephen Bray on their ongoing photography project Trees and Sky.
He was the focus speaker on creativity at the 2014 Global Conference of the ICF (international coaching federation) at Malmo in Sweden.
He is also a speaker on various podcasts about the art and the creative mind and he runs creativity, sound and sense retreats in the heart of The Sibillini Mountains in Italy.
Michael Eldridge is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts.
Exhibition Archive
1972 The Public Gallery, Ryde, UK: Personal Painting Exhibition.
1973 The Sidling Gallery, Dorset UK: Personal Painting & Prints Exhibition.
1975 The Wessex Gallery, Southampton: Collective Wessex Artists Exhibition.
1978 The Russell Coates Gallery, Bournemouth: Collective Contemporary Artists.
1981 Photographers over the Rainbow, Bristol: Personal Photography Exhibition.
1982 Photographers Gallery, London: West Coast States, Personal Photography Exhibition.
1983 La Rochelle Gallery, France: 'Made in Britain' Collective Exhibition.
1984 Milan: International Contemporary Photography, Collective.
1985 Hastings Gallery, UK: ‘Moments’ Slow Show.
1986 Interim Arts , London: Contemporary Photography, Collective.
1987 Theatre Gallery, Winchester UK: Personal Paintings, Solo Show.
1988 Cloisters Gallery, Siena Italy: Paintings & Sculptures Collective.
1989 La Brera Gallery, Milan, Personal Paintings, Solo Show.
1989-95 Group Exhibitions in Collaboration with all Preforming Arts.
1989 Poole Gallery, UK, Collective Painting Exhibition.
1998 Colle Gallery,Toscana, Italy: Personal Painting Exhibition.
1999 ‘Cult Art’ Physik Garden, in collaboration with Photographer Simon Larbalestier.
2000 La Arcos Gallery, San Francisco USA: The Physik Garden; Collaborative Exhibition with Simon Larbalestier.
2000 The Houston Gallery, Seattle USA: The Physik Garden; Collaborative Exhibition with Simon Larbalestier.
2006 Amoroso Italy: ‘The Red & Blue Art Factory’. Collaborative with Painter Lorenzo Viscidi.
2007 Gallery Bluer, Padova Italy: ‘The Red & Blue Art Factory’. Collaborative with Painter Lorenzo Viscidi.
2008 Gallery Donna Irene, Padova Italy: Personal Exhibition.
2008 Perugia, Italy: ‘Of The Air And From The Air, Of The Sky And From The Sky’ Personal Exhibition.
2010 Marmaris, Turkey: ‘Trees and Sky’ Collaborative with Steve Maxwell.
2012 Morrovalle, Italy: ‘Glasses of Stars’ Personal Exhibition.
2013 Gallery Permariemonti, Civitanova Marche, Italy: Recent Paintings Exhibition.
2013 Gallery Permariemonti, Civitanova Marche, Italy: Collaborative Exhibition, ‘blu’.
2013 Gallery Permariemonti, Civitanova Marche, Italy: Collaborative Exhibition, 'The Island of the Dead’.
2013 Civitanova alta Italy: Di Bella’s Concert at the annibal Caro Theater.
2014 April 18th-May 2nd Marmaris Gallery Turkey: 'Awareness' a photographic exhibition with Stephen Bray and Colin Tracy.
2014 Agosto. Group exhibition 'Tenere e la notte' Ad Personam Galleria, San Severino
2014 Le Logge Gallery, Urbisaglia: Ottobre 'paintings and poetry'. Collaborative with Roberta Fonsato.
2014 Padova. Biennale del Blue 2, con Lorenzo Viscidi e Claudio Mario Feruglio
2014 Churchill Arts Centre, Fallon, Nevada USA, A light work collaboration with Jack Fulton entitled 'Deserts of Time', exhibited as part of Jack's show
2015 Theatre Gallery, Civitanova: 'Il Sacro' Group exhibition.
2015 Galleria Artè, Enna, Sicilia. Paintings: La serie 'Adriatico'
2016 Galleria Govetosa Padova. Red and Blue Art Factory paintings at Bluer show Materie Celesti
2016 Galleria Govetosa, Padova. Group Show, Paintings, the series "Adriatico"
2017 Lux Gallery Trieste: 'Four hands, Two Brains, One Soul' paintings with Michael Eldridge.
2018 "La galleria Arte Enna Contemporanea" Enna, Sicilia. With Bluer "Two minds, four hands one soul, works"
2019 Two panels for an exhibition at the Barbarigo School in Padua, with Lorenzo Viscidi.
2019 Gallery Space Event, Amandola: 'In search of Beauty' personal show.
2019 Rome: 'Paesaggi Sensoriali' personal show.
2020 Magazine Cover, Amicando Semper
2021 Civitanova Alta: "Rinascita" CCC3 group show.
2021 November 1st-9th Porto San Giorgio: Monoprint show.
2022 Porto San Giorgio: "Artist’s Vistions" Group exhibition.
2023 Civitanova Marche: Contemporary Art group show
2023 Siculiana, Sicilia: ‘GIOIA’ Collective show.
February 2024 Art Gallery, Fermo: 'Dreams & Reality' Exhibition.
March 2024 ‘Artists Yearbook’ collaborative Artists show, Fermo Forum.
June 2024 Antichi Forni Gallery: Contemporary artists Yearbook Group.