Mother bird in nest, 50x50cm, acrylic ink on canvas
You ask me what I think about love? Wrong question (or... I could try, but I’d stumble and mumble).

Cold tree on hill, 50x50cm, acrylic on canvas
But I could sing you dozens of songs.
Elisabetta series (4) acrylic ink 50x50cm, a collaboration with LJE
Hey, My Sweet, tell me tales of love and revolution from your heart.
Elisabetta series (1) acrylic ink 50x50 cm, a collaboration with LJE
And I will stay on the warm sand glowing in light for all my days.
Animals sleeping, acrylic ink on canvas, 80x80cm
Full, comfortable, open, sublime.
Hot Springs in winter at river, acrylic ink 50x50cm
And with my palms to the sky I will then talk to you of love.